Monday, March 28, 2011

Drive-Through Carwash.

If I ever doubted God and His intentions before, i definitely do not now. This past week has been such an eye-opener for me! Last Wednesday I had my phone-chat with Alyssa (the DP Registrar), and that went incredibly well! I felt confident, though I was nervous, and I got my acceptance letter soon after the chat, which was the most exciting thing ever. Then, right afterwards, my youth leader Sherri Simmons, who is basically another mom to me, told me she was going to use her and her husband's air mileage to get me to Belize, so I wouldn't have to worry about the airfare....soon after that, I talked to a friend of mine and she said she was going to pay for my passport! All I could do was jump up and down and yell in excitement.

God! You are SO GOOD.

Money for the trip has been pouring in this whole entire week, from different people in and out of my church. I am so incredibly thankful to God and for all that He has done for me! He orchestrated everything so I could get my passport and my flights taken care of, and He has given me a peace that I don't even understand. I'm not stressed a bit.

I'm going to Belize! I still can't believe it. This is incredible. I know this all sounds incredibly unorganized and scattered, but this is my excitement pouring into words, and excitement isn't organized, thank heavens.

I will write more tomorrow, when I have time to think. For now, sleep beckons, and my joy will have to pour out into more words tomorrow. Good night :)

1 comment:

Becca Swan said...

Yay, that's wonderful!! God ALWAYS provides for where he calls you- its amazing to see it work out so smoothly, isn't it? I am so glad that you are trusting Him for everything and seeking His heart, Emmy-I am incredibly blessed by reading about your journey and so proud to call you my sister! Love you! :)