Art. It's something that I've always wanted to be good at. As far back as I can remember, I've admired art. I've always envied good artists, or those who are so creative that everything that they do or say seems beautiful, just because you know they have amazing art skills.
This week, I embarked on a journey to find out why this meant so much to me.
Sometimes my life is so messy that I just want to create; to be in control of something that is beautiful, and perfect, and flowing, and meaningful.
And so I begin to draw, and to paint, and to write poetry and songs and short stories, I begin to collage pictures together that represent something noble and beautiful to me. I begin to strive for perfection, and every single time I am disappointed. I look back into my sketch book and look at the pictures that I've previously drawn--sloppy and misguided figures that vaguely resemble the picture I remember having in my mind at the moment. I move away from drawing and enter the musically-oriented door in my mind, stepping into a room that I know well, full of instruments and melodies and intricate harmonies that if I could just write down, if I could just figure them out long enough to get one stanza out on paper, out in the open, I know I would reach success. But even this isn't attainable.
I found something out this week. Life is messy. I am messy. Therefore everything I create will be messy, or flawed at some point. With this realization came another decision: I give up. I give up trying to attain perfection. I give up trying to control life. I give up my desire to be more talented than artists around me, because that desire will just drive bitterness and frustration deep into my soul.
However, I will not give up creating. I will not give up painting, and drawing, and writing, and singing, and loving every second of it, because that, too, would drain me completely. Rather, I will change my focus. I will not create perfection.
I will aspire to bring into sight or sound that which is lovely, beautiful, flawed, fierce, speaking of the One who created every talent that I, and those around me, possess. I will tell stories. And I will continue to seek His face as He brings me farther along this path, closer to His presence, to His art.
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