I feel like I got a lot done today! I started this morning by heading to a co-worker's house and talking over fundraiser ideas, then went to my church, Christian Life Center, to talk to the secretary there about printing out my support letter (I decided to do it there....saves on ink!) and she suggested I narrow it down to one page, which works well. I then realized I had a few questions about financing so I headed to the library to check out some stuff online and edit my letter.
I then headed to the local Destination Paradise office and asked some questions about the financing and how that should be handled. We also checked out how to apply for a passport, since I need that as well... So HURRAH! Things are coming together nicely, and talking with Louise and Kirsten (my friends from DP) only heightened that excitement. I can't wait until everything is actually together and all figured out.
Keep praying for me, please, because I need to apply for my passport, and I'm not entirely sure that I'm allowed to do that until I'm 18...which is in April and if I am supposed to go in May.. well, that just doesn't work well. So it would be fantastic if I was allowed to apply for once while I am still 17, because by the time I leave I will be 18.
Thank you all so incredibly much for all the support you've given me. I find that I am much more encouraged every time I talk to anybody about this because everyone is so excited for me. You are all incredible friends and family!!
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