Saturday, September 17, 2011

God, Stars, Laughter, Friends, Ocean, Stingrays, Diving.

Where to begin? Life in Belize is unfathomable. I'm here, in this place, at this moment, and I can't wrap my head around it. I suppose I should start by stating a fact. Our God is indescribable. His works and His paintings in the sky are indescribable. His people are indescribable. His love is jealous. His healing is intense. I could go on and on, for eternity, and never be able to describe anything that is Him or His. It's just too much.

Life here is overwhelming in the sense that God is everywhere. I love it! It's not overwhelming to the point of confusion or frustration. It The YWAM DP base is incredible, there is a front property, right on the beach, and a back property, which is across the road. In my school there are 14 students, 9 of which are girls, and 5 of which are guys. The guys live on the back property in the casitas, and us girls live up front in our little rooms, three of us to a room. I have amazing roommates, Joanie and Alicia (from Quebec City, and Colorado). I have never clicked with a group of friends this fast or this easily before! Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we know we will be living together for about half a year, and that makes us want to get along, but I think it goes deeper than that. God definitely orchestrated this. He designed every student for this school, and He put us together in a way that no one else could have. We all have different senses of humor, but they all click, they all intertwine and we all somehow end up on the ground laughing, or holding onto something to keep from falling over from weakness and joy. We have formed a bond, even in these past two weeks, and have become family.

This past week our little family had the priveledge of being taught by Chris Toney, the base director. Our lecture this week was on World Views, and we learned about religions such as Islam, Catholicism, Mormanism, Hinduism, Rastafarianism, and a few others. We have had debates and disagreements and jokes and stories about intense times of need and brokenness. And it couldn't be better! Chris is a fantastic speaker. He gives his lectures in a way that challenges your mind to think hard about what is going on, but it is also very clear. (that doesn't make too much sense...but its completely true) He adds humor and tells things like they are. But what I love about Chris and his teaching methods is his immense amount of respect for other cultures, religions, people. He puts it in perspective, and God has given him the ability to gently and firmly get the point across that we are NOT here to judge. We are here to LOVE. And that is one of the most beautiful things ever.

Now we come to the fun part! I have been snorkeling, playing volleyball, spending nights out on the dock with my team laughing, praising Jesus, and talking about home and our dreams, goals, fears, life experiences. We have been playing cards a LOT; Uno, President, BS, Egyptian Rat Screw, and probably some others that I have forgotten about. I learned that I SUCK at volleyball, but it's fun to play with everyone because we joke and tease, and mess around while we play. I love it :)

Today I get to go open-water diving for the first time! Last sunday we took a diving course in the pool and learned a ton of stuff about it, and this week we have been working on our PADI diving books, and today is the day we get to put our knowledge into action! I am incredibly excited/nervous, but I know that it will all be good, and I can't wait to get 60 feet under the ocean surface at the reef, and see God's glory in a way that I have never experienced.

I need to wrap this up, but I want to let y'all (There's a Texan on our team...he's rubbing off on all of us.) know that I love you so much, and I am very excited to hear about what is going on at home, and in your lives. Know that God is keeping me in His arms and I am daily relenquishing control to Him. Pray that I will continue to do so. Thanks so much! 

1 comment:

Becca Swan said...

Emmy, I'm so proud of you! How you're following God's will for your life, letting him grow and heal and change you, and use you for his glory. That's awesome that you get to go diving! Sounds like fun/ kinda scary. :) Have a good time, and we're praying for you. <3