Monday, February 28, 2011

First Post :)

Hey Everyone! I am just starting this blog so I'm not entirely sure how its all working yet. So bear with me :)
I'll give you a quick run down of what I am going to be up to this next year:

I have been given the amazing opportunity (by the grace of God alone) to head to Belize for a missions school headed up by YWAM's Destination Paradise (the founders of which I already that makes it that much more exciting!). I'm not entirely sure yet whether I will be leaving in September (My original leave date) or in May (what I'm feeling God's pushing me to do...but I'm not sure if its actually Him or my overactive imagination or my eagerness...So I'm praying about that! Pray with me?). Basically it is a 3 phase program, a 12 week lecture phase, an 8 week outreach phase, and a 16 week internship. I'll write more about that later though.

I just made my doctors apointment to get my medical forms filled out for the trip and as soon as I turn those in I am basically accepted...thats what I hear, at least :)

I cant express how incredibly EXCITED I am to go though!! I feel very restless right now and I know that God has some amazing plans for me.

More details to come later :)